The accommodations in our Shanghai trip was nicely, well, perfectly organised by Ms Tho Xin Yi . We stay at total of 4 different place but I only took photo of 3 of the places as by the end of the trip I usually become restless in taking photos
Nothing special can be said about the food in Xitang. Most are the typical type u find in chinese restaurant Chicken Fish Pork Vege but one thing for sure as Teng mom put it the chicken have chicken taste, vege have vege taste. As for my second luv coffee it was a big big disappointment. Most cafe interior is beautiful and creative but the coffee itself is totally tasteless and way over price. In fact everything in Xitang is way over price....
This is our typical dinner dishes. The chicken taste great, the fish is suppose to be Xitang specialty but I think Malaysia cook it better and lastly is the lamb soup with dumpling.
This was our breakfast, the wanton is call mini wanton, believe me when I say u need a magnifying glass to find the meat....
这儿 is the name of this cafe.... beautiful interior but bad coffee.....
This is the second cafe. It is name after my bestie 叶小姐的咖啡. I luv the old movie poster decorating the wall.
This is the last cafe. However we didn't drink but still went in because of it unique interior. This is a shop that specialised in anything and everything to do with post mail...
Last but not least a bottle of traditional chinese wine....